Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

About cookies

A cookie is small file placed on your computer that allows the web server to identify and track the activity of the web browser. They are widely used to make websites work more efficiently and to provide information to website owners. In addition to “first-party” cookies, there are also “third-party” cookies: cookies sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain not controlled by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Session Cookies will be deleted from your computer when you close your browser. Persistent Cookies will remain stored on your computer until deleted, or until they reach a specified expiry date.

Blocking Cookies

By default, your web browser will accept Cookies, however this can be altered and most browsers will allow you to refuse to accept cookies. For example, in Google Chrome you can adjust your Cookie settings by selecting “Preferences”, “Advanced”, “Content Settings”, “Block all Cookies” and change to your preferred settings. It is also possible to block cookies via our Cookie Consent option at the bottom of the website.

This website uses the following Cookies:

Party Name Purpose
Complianz cmplz_functional to store cookie consent preferences.
Complianz cmplz_banner-status to store if the cookie banner has been dismissed.
Complianz cmplz_statistics to store cookie consent preferences.
Complianz cmplz_marketing to store cookie consent preferences.
Complianz cmplz_consented_services to store cookie consent preferences.
Complianz cmplz_policy_id to store accepted cookie policy ID.
Complianz cmplz_preferences to store cookie consent preferences.
University of Groningen BIGipServerwebhost_pool_http_k8s
Amazon AWSALBCORS to provide load balancing functionality.
Twitter ct0 This cookie is for authentication
Twitter _twitter_sess This cookie is for user sessions
Twitter guest_id This cookie is used for authentication
Twitter att
This cookie is for authenication and password reset
Twitter gt
This cookie is for external app functionality and authorization