
  • Internal recognition for Virtual Exchange
    Professor Alessandra Tognazzo is a researcher in the department of Economics and Management at the University of Padova in Italy (UNIPD). She teaches, among other courses, a family business course.  With its integrated VE component, it has recently been awarded the UNIPD 2024 Arqus award ( for its innovative student-centred Read More …
  • Finding the perfect VE partner is halfway to success
    Rut Muñiz Rut Muñiz is a Senior Lecturer at the Catholic University of Valencia, in Spain. She undertook Basic and Advanced VE training with UNICollaboration five years ago. She is very invested in this pedagogical approach to learning and in particular, intercultural communication. Dorsaf Ben Malek Dorsaf Ben Malek is Read More …
  • Identify, Interrogate and Interrupt – how to begin addressing the issue of Coloniality in Virtual Exchange
    Professor Kyria Finardi Is senior lecturer, associate professor and researcher in the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) at the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) Brazil. She has been involved in Internationalisation and is a member of the Internationalisation Board at UFES.
  • When virtual exchange gets bigger and bigger!
    Rut Muñiz is professor of English for Specific Purposes at the Catholic University in Valencia, Spain, where she has been teaching for the past 21 years. Currently, she is very invested in her virtual exchange work that she undertakes with Maria Laura. Maria Laura Angelini teaches at the same institution. Read More …
  • Music and water: An ethereal virtual exchange
    Dr Steven Pane is a pianist and conductor. For the past 30 years he has been teaching interdisciplinary study and music at Maine Farmington in the US. “We’re a small college, and it’s been quite a ride”, he says. He talks about his recent international virtual exchange collaboration with two Read More …
  • “Under the Magnifying Glass” – lessons in Virtual Exchange
    Ivonne Dekker  is a senior lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She’s been here for 12 years now and teaches Media and Communication courses with a special interest in Media Psychology, news framing, and media and culture, which she loves. She’s involved in graduate assignments, Read More …
  • A Spiritual and Virtual Exchange
    Dr Abdoulaye Ndiaye is Assistant Professor in American studies at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal, and Chair of the Senegalese American Studies Association. Professor Nicole Coffey Kellet is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Maine, Farmington in the US. She teaches courses on gender, medical anthropology, health, Read More …
  • A Virtual Exchange Book Club
    How Polish and US students came together to discuss issues of racism and disability in a Virtual Exchange Collaboration Dr Sabina Nowak is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow, Poland. She holds a Ph.D. in English (from the Jagiellonian University, Poland) and Read More …
  • How Virtual Exchange exceeded all expectations
    Dr Claire O’Reilly teaches German at the University of Cork in Ireland. She’s been in the German Department since 2005 and teaches a range of subjects. They include: intercultural communication, German/Irish history and relations and of course, virtual exchange. She’s also involved in a bachelor of International Business and German Read More …
  • A virtual exchange for thousands of students around the globe
    Eric Hagley is currently undertaking research in virtual exchange for a PhD at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. He lived and worked for nearly 30 years in Japan, which is when he began developing projects internationally. He undertook his first undergraduate degree there at the age of 18. Eric writes Read More …
  • An interdisciplinary approach to Virtual Exchange
    Dr Linda Beck is currently Associate Dean of Experiential and Global Education. She’s also a political scientist. Promoting Virtual Exchange is one of her responsibilities at the University of Maine, Farmington, USA. Linda and some of her colleagues undertook UNICollaboration training some years back. Over the years, they have formed Read More …
  • Virtual Exchange is moving beyond academia
    Virtual Exchange enthusiast, Professor Anna Turula is a Polish teacher-trainer based in Krakow at the UKEN University. She is Chair of the Technology Enhanced Language Education Department (TELE). Anna has extensive experience of TEFL and has been training other teachers for the past few decades. She considers herself as a Read More …
  • The concept of the ‘Third Space’ in Virtual Exchange
    Marina Orsini-Jones is Professor in Global Higher Education Practice in the field of Applied Linguistics. She is currently working on a project entitled: Female Voices in the Third Space using virtual exchange pedagogy as a basis for researching Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in South-North Collaborative Online International Learning. The project Read More …
  • More than 10 Virtual Exchange projects and still going strong
    Katarzyna Radke is a Senior Lecturer of English in the Foreign Language Centre at Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland. She’s done more than 10 virtual exchange collaborations since 2018 and shows no signs of slowing down. “In 2020, the pandemic arrived and we had to change our plans very quickly, a Read More …
  • A ‘Shared Garden’ Virtual Exchange project
    Thierry Villard, is a language teacher, from the Institute of Technology at the University of Bordeaux. He’s been collaborating on a virtual exchange project with the university of Léon in Spain for the past 6-7 years. Some background to the project: This collaboration is between the University of Bordeaux, France Read More …
  • Implementing Virtual Exchange in a non-formal education context
    Francesca Drago, from the Scuola Centrale di Formazione, a vocational training centre Francesca Drago is a virtual exchange enthusiast living in Catania, Sicily. She works at the Scuola Centrale di Formazione which is a vocational training centre. Students coming here focus on training in fields such as hospitality, graphics, wellness, Read More …
  • Virtual Exchange at the University of Bordeaux
    Dr Alexandra Reynolds is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics from the University of Bordeaux. She teaches English and Linguistics and does research in the same field. She is head of Internationalisation at Home Virtual Exchange initiatives for the faculty of Science. She talks to UNICollaboration about the status of Virtual Read More …
  • A passionate Ambassador for Virtual Exchange
    Hiba Ibrahim is the first recipient of UNICollaboration’s brand new ‘Excellence in service’ badge. She’s a 5th year PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at York University in Canada and is very much hoping to finish her dissertation this year. She’s of Palestinian/Jordanian descent, and dreams to continue her research in Read More …