EVALUATE is a European Policy Experiment project funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 3 and with a particular focus on telecollaboration/virtual exchange in initial teacher education. The EVALUATE  project, in conjunction with the UNICollaboration organisation, is holding  an international conference for educators and policy makers on the theme of Virtual Exchange and its role in 21st Century Teacher Education. Thanks to the funding by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, there is no registration fee for this conference. However, participants are expected to cover all of their own travel and subsistence costs. Organization members and others involved in teacher education are welcome to present and attend.

Timeline for the conference:
7 January 2019: Call for papers and registration opens on this website
2 March 2019: Deadline for abstract submission
8 April 2019: Notification of acceptance
8 July 2019: Final registration deadline

More information about the conference, keynote speakers, transporation, and online registration can be found on the Conference Website