Call for Papers “Diversity in the Digital Foreign Language Classroom (DDFLC)” to be held on March 30-31, 2023.

We are pleased to share information from Stuttgart University about this forthcoming conference which will be of interest to many of our members. The conference will include a keynote from our very own Rob O’Dowd. Full details can be accessed here. 

Conference Theme

Our conference addresses the challenges of digitalisation and diversity faced in foreign language classrooms. We provide the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present their latest work. Our aim is to explore avenues for future teaching. While there is a wide array of research on e-learning and diversity, the particular implications for teaching in diverse spaces, e.g. foreign language classroom contexts, have yet to be explored. This conference aims at making a significant contribution to closing this gap by bringing together a broad array of disciplinary and interdisciplinary experts and approaches.

In response to the challenges of digitalisation and diversity, we place a dual focus on exploring the benefits of digital teaching in delineating and advancing diversity both as a concept and a method in the foreign language classroom.