Membership Benefits and Fees 2024

Dear UNICollaboration members,

We would like to inform you about important updates related to your future membership renewals as of 2024.

As of 2024, memberships will last a solar year, so they will all expire on the 31st of December of the year concerned and membership fees, with the sole exception of Student’s membership fees, will be slightly adjusted as follows:

  • Individual members: Euro 50
  • Students’ members: Euro 25
  • Institutional members: Euro 200
  • Commercial members: Euro 250

Current members who renew now (before December 31, 2023) will still be able to renew at the current rates and their membership will be valid through December 31 2024. 

Current members who renewed less than five months ago (since June 30, 2023) have had their membership automatically extended through December 31, 2024  to account for this change in membership year. Please contact us by sending an email to to know the status of your current membership and expiry date.

The process to renew your membership will remain the same in the future, i.e. you may pay directly online through the Stripe system or you can pay by bank transfer. 

Please follow the instructions provided here.

Membership with UNICollaboration implies multiple benefits which have been further enhanced and which you can see listed in the file hereby attached.

Thank you for your continuing support of our organisation.

We look forward to your future memberships / membership renewals.

The UNICollaboration team