Coloniality in Virtual Exchange – Voices from Palestine and Lebanon

UNICollaboration Research Webinar

Friday 17th May 14h-15h CEST online

UNICollaboration is continuing its research webinar series on Identifying and Interrogating Coloniality in Virtual Exchange

In this second webinar, we will address the issue of coloniality in the context of Palestine and Lebanon and implications it has on education and virtual exchange practices. The speakers will also discuss efforts to implement decolonial approaches to critical virtual exchange research and practice.

The speakers in this second webinar are Dr Nael Alami and Mrs. Alia Gilbrecht:  

Dr Nael Alami is a molecular neuroscientist, education policy expert, and Provost of the Modern University for Business and Science (MUBS), a multi-campus, not-for-profit university in Lebanon. He is the founder of the Virtual Exchange Program at MUBS (2015), a hub for exchanges in multiple disciplines, including Medical Sciences, Public Health, Education, Languages, and History. The Program has established partnerships with Stanford University, East Carolina University, San Jose State University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, and Princeton University.

Alia Gilbrecht founded the Virtual Exchange Collaborative at An-Najah National University. An expert in Virtual Exchange (VE) and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), she has seven years of experience in the field, impacting over 1500 students and fostering over 25 COIL partnerships. Her work helped earn An-Najah a second Stevens Initiative award in 2023 and solidified its role as a lead partner in the Erasmus+-funded ‘CliVEx’ project, engaging over 2500 participants across MENA and Europe. Alia is also a UN-certified dialogue facilitator, facilitator coach and training moderator. In addition to her VE and COIL expertise, Alia has developed significant university-wide programming, including Palestine’s first competitive English and Arabic debate training program and overseeing the development of US Fulbright scholars and English Language Fellows projects at An Najah, making it the leading recipient of US scholars in Palestine.


This webinar is free for UNICollaboration members.

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Please register on 15 May 2024 at the latest. 

Any questions?
For questions about the webinar, please contact Hiba Ibrahim, Chair of the Graduate Student SIG

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