VE project in Teaching EFL ESL

Looking for partners for a VE project for 3rd year students in the program of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Faculty of Education. (partner group could be any year or may have different course objectives) Within our course curriculum, we have an activity preparation component. Here, students Read More …

Information Technology and Teaching ESL

Looking for partner institutions for a VE project that would bring pre-service teachers together for collaborative pedagogical design through video-mediated lesson planning/task design conversations. The focus or topic of the lesson could be determined by partners or left open for students to determine. Preferably, the area of expertise would be Read More …

Educators for Change

Global Teacher Education is gaining importance in an increasingly globalization. The traditional methods of teacher education has placed less emphasis on preparing teachers to work in diverse societies and internationally. The purpose of this exchange is to provide opportunities for educators to experience diversity of cultures and pedagogical approaches that Read More …

Virtual exchange for English students

Hi. I am a Japanese junior high school English teacher. I have about 100 students in my English classes. Because of the corona situation, we don't have enough time to communicate with foreigners. I hope my students can communicate with your students. We are going to start classes from April Read More …

VE with Social VR for teacher educators

Dear colleagues, Please note that this is not a "normal" VE proposal and I'm not looking for a partner class for university students. I'm specifically looking for teacher educators, who would like to explore the affordances of Social VR as part of a Virtual Exchange for teacher educators. In my Read More …

Intercultural Dimensions of Teaching and Learning with Digital Media

In the upcoming summer semester I'll be teaching a course for preservice teachers with various disciplinary backgrounds at the university of Wuerzburg. It will address the nexus between intercultural and media-education and the goal is to foster the preservice-teachers media-related as well as intercultural competences. The seminar will start in Read More …

Partages linguistique et interculturel

Je cherche des collègues qui enseignent soit : – Le FLE à un niveau faux débutant (A1-A2), en France ou à l'étranger, soit – La langue arabe à des étudiants francophones (A1-début B1) …pour organiser avec leurs étudiants un échange linguistique et culturel. Je suis basé en Arabie saoudite à Read More …

COIL as professional development for lecturers

To gain more experience with COIL we want to set up a COIL project for lecturers in the spring semester as a form of professional development. As a working title for the project we’ve chosen ‘Encompassing all voices’. We’re a Brussels based University of Applied Sciences and Arts, so our Read More …